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Mini Metro alpha5

The fifth alpha for Mini Metro has been released, and you can find it in the usual place.

  • The playable area margins have come in, so no more handles hanging off the edge of the map.
  • The overflow timer pauses when one or more trains are at a station.
  • There is now a highly-visible alert when a station has commuters and no connections.
  • Zooming is faster at the start and slower at the end.
  • An alert shows when a station spawns.
  • The ‘arrow’ custom station shape has been changed to a wedge. We’re not 100% sold on this new shape …
  • The station upgrade has been added into the queue.
  • The fast train has been replaced by a light rail locomotive.
  • Tips are now in-game to show you how to place a line, extend a line, and place an upgrade.
  • Tunnels are no longer erroneously displayed when they aren’t actually used.
  • The upgrade queue is slightly randomised before each game.

We did mean to get this build out earlier and include a lot more content, but we’ve been swamped by all the feedback from the press coverage. We still can’t believe the number of people who are now playing and enjoying our little game! Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the new alpha. We’d like to keep the update schedule fairly quick so (fingers crossed) alpha6 won’t be far around the corner.